Providence Association – Life Insurance & Retirement Savings

Life Insurance and Retirement Savings for the whole family

We are a fraternal benefit society focused on the Ukrainian Catholic community. Our life insurance and retirement vehicles fit any lifestyle and need, to adequately secure your future.

Being a vital piece of the Ukrainian community
is the basis of our mission.

We are all connected in some way. Whether we are members of the same organizations, churches, or possibly a children’s dance group school. We may go to the same zabavas, church events, or Ukrainian celebrations. Most of us follow the same traditions, cook similar recipes, and enjoy speaking our beautiful language.

In the past, Providence was a staple in the normal life of a Ukrainian. We provided loans to build many churches, but we also helped new immigrants settle and get used to life in the United States. Our relationships were built on trust and support for each other.

Today, there is a new wave of Ukrainians and we hope to build the same bond as in the past. We know there are many options for life insurance and savings available, but you should come to us when the need arises because we all share the same goals.

Providing Life Insurance and Retirement Savings for over a Century

"Провидіння" Союз Українців Католиків Америки

Бути частиною української громади визначає нам нашу місію. У минулому Провидіння було основою у звичайному житті українця. Ми надавали позики на будівництво церков, і допомагали новим іммігрантам влаштуватися та звикнути до життя в США.

У нас були міцні стосунки, побудовані на довірі та підтримці один одного.

Сьогодні настала нова хвиля українців, і ми сподіваємось будувати такий самий зв’язок, як і раніше. Ми знаємо, що існує багато варіантів страхування життя та заощаджень, але ви повинні звернутися до нас, коли з’явиться потреба, оскільки всі ми маємо одинокі цілі: щоб помогти вам і вашій сімї підготуватись до майбутьнього.

Proceeds, from sales, benefit our members, the Ukrainian community and church.

Providence actively participates in church events and festivals. We are also honored to speak at any events to share information about our products and how they can help our community prepare for the future.

Providence provides low interest rate loans and regularly donates to Ukrainian Youth Organizations, seminaries and charities. Our members also have access to an annual college scholarships program of up to $5000.

Last year were able to donate medical supplies to Ukraine, as well as support our priests, catholics schools and Ukrainian organizations.

Communication and Understanding

Our office has the same people that you met at the last Ukrainian event, or at church on Sunday. We are family and we are always ready to answer any questions or help however we can, in your financial needs.

Speaking Ukrainian and being able to explain details to our members differentiates us from many other similar organizations. Our locations and representatives are proud and always happy to speak with you in whatever language you prefer.

Розмовляючи українською мовою, ми стараємося пояснити всідеталі, і тим ми відрізняємося від багатьох інших подібних організацій. Ми пишаємося і завжди раді говорити з вами.

Providence also offers Retirement plans for small businesses.

Our products