Providence Association – Life Insurance & Retirement Savings

Providence Association

Life Insurance and Retirement Savings

Провидіння – Страхування Життя та Пенсійні Рахунки

Ukrainian Funeral Planning and Traditions

Funeral Planning is not something we want to do but it is best to do it in advance.  As Ukrainians, we know how important it is to follow traditions and culture throughout our lives, and our funeral should be no different.  A Ukrainian funeral has specific traditions and certain rules to follow.

We recommend Fletcher Nasevich Funeral Home to handle your pre-planning needs professionally, sympathetically, and in a manner tailored to our unique Ukrainian traditions.

There are many ways to pay for a funeral in advance; opening a Burial Reserve Trusts with a Single Premium Cash Value Permanent Life Insurance Policy is most efficient. These policies provide a de facto significant discount on the costs of the funeral, and create benefits that are paid tax-free.

If you do not qualify for cash value life insurance, whether due to advanced age or health issues, an annuity trust offers an attractive tax-deferred interest growth rate. Again, the savings and asset protection will be afforded to such customers.

Fletcher-Nasevich Funeral Home
9529 Bustleton Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19115
(215) 673-8153

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