Happy Easter!
“Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.” These encouraging and truthful words speak to the theme of Resurrection. Every one who believes in God is encouraged by what God has done for the world and for each of us. The week where we recall Christ’s suffering is followed by the Easter Victory “Christ is Risen!” We too can rise because Christ reminds us that he won for us our future. May each of us rise to our own personal victory over sin and encourage others to do the same.” Words of Rev. Ivan Kaszczak
So many things are happening around us, in our families and communities, our countries, and everywhere in the world. There are those who are good, those who are finding it difficult to be good, and even those who see no wrong in their sins. Countries are at war, people are starving, many are addicted, many are sick; very often many do not see the light at the end of the tunnel. This past week we took the time to think about the suffering that Jesus endured, and not just during the Holy Week, but throughout his life; and the suffering that his close family, and all those who believed in him and his teachings, endured, we should fully understand that life has its downs. We must understand that everyone has their own cross to bear.
Today, we celebrate Easter, the Resurrection of Christ. The light that always exists at the end of each of our tunnels. Today we are reminded that as God said, Jesus would die and rise from the dead. And so shall we.
Take the time today to reflect on the gift we are given. Today may not be the day of change, but God will accept us whenever we are ready.
We, at the Providence Association would like to wish you and your family a very Happy Easter. May the Resurrection of Christ, bring a renewed hope, joy and peace, into your hearts and your souls.
Вітаємо вас і ваші родини з Хрестовим Восресінням! Хай це чудо вам відкриє відновлену надію, радість і віру.