Interest Rate Decrease

Retirement Products: Interest Rate decreases to 3% on January 30, 2021. 3.00% Interest Rate starts February 1, 2021 for Providence Association Retirement Products, which include Annuities, IRA and Roth IRA Annuities. Due to the tremendous support of all of our members and the Ukrainian community, for over three years, we were able to pay a three […]
Retirement: How Much Is Enough?

Retirement Dreams How much is Enough? How much is enough to live the life you want during retirement? A good question to ask yourself at any age, but difficult to know early in life. If you have spent the last ten, twenty or thirty years working full time, you may think that your retirement savings are well […]
The Providence Association offers two forms of Individual Retirement Accounts to the public: IRA’S an ROTH IRA’S. In each instance an annuity is used as the funding vehicle. Currently Providence pays interest at the rate of 3.25% annually. This rate will always compare favorably with standard CD’s; however, a minimum rate of 3% is guaranteed […]